Python Guide Using Keyboard Input Function input & rawinput Terbaru 2019

403 Forbidden

  • Forbidden

    You don't have permission to access /api.php

    • on this server.
  • Additionally, a 403 Forbidden

    • Used to get an expression from the keyboard 

      Additionally, a 403 Forbidden, for example, mathematics expression (3*3, 9+2, 5/2, ...etc) 


Additionally, a 403 Forbidden

data = 

You don't have permission to access /api.php('please

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden your data here :')print (data)

  • python <p>You don't have permission to access /api.php example

    You don't have permission to access /api.php example

. the syntax read the Address using

You don't have permission to access /api.php() and display back on the screen using print():


You don't have permission to access /api.php('Who is your name ? ')print ("Hello %s, Nice to meet you" % name);

python <p>You don't have permission to access /api.php example

You don't have permission to access /api.php example


You don't have permission to access /api.php("Who is your name\t:");Address=

You don't have permission to access /api.php("Where is your Address\t:");print"Your Name is\t\t:",nameprint"You live in\t\t:",Address

  • <p>You don't have permission to access /api.php python

    You don't have permission to access /api.php python


Additionally, a 403 Forbidden("Calculation :")print result

  • <p>Additionally, a 403 Forbidden python

    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden python

the syntax read the Address using

You don't have permission to access /api.php() and

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden () then display back on the screen using print():

yourname = 

You don't have permission to access /api.php("What's your name? ")print("Nice to meet you " + yourname + "!")age =

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden("Your age? ")print("So, you are already " + str(age) + " years old, " + yourname + "!")

  • <p>You don't have permission to access /api.php and <p>Additionally, a 403 Forbidden python

    You don't have permission to access /api.php and

    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden python

Python Guide Using Keyboard Input Function input & rawinput Terbaru 2019403 Forbidden Forbidden You don't have permission to access /api.php on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden Used to get an expres...

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