Cara bypass mi akun yg terkunci pada smartphone xiaomi note 3 pro (kenzo) ini sudah saya test sendiri serta hasilnya tested. Mungkin sedikit pengalaman aku ini bisa membantu. Ufi box memang poly sekali fitur-fitur yg meringankan pekerjaan kita dalam menuntaskan perkara suatu smartphone. Dan keliru satunya fitur remove micloud ini.
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Redmi Note tiga Pro |
- Jika sudah terpasang rom miui v8.5.7.0 dan posisi ponsel terkunci micloud, masuk lagi ke mode download 9008 lagi.
- Buka ufi android toolbox, masuk ke tab flash>quallcom.
- Centang firehose, serta masukan file
Klik Identify Devices, tunggu hingga read info rom nya terselesaikan.pilih Special Task kemudian klik [Xiaomi] Reset MI Account Lock.done.
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Scanning for Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 device...
Download Port: Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM14)
USB Driver: [Qualcomm Incorporated] qcusbser, version:, date: 3-25-2016
Initializing... Done.
platform: msm8952, cpu abi: arm64-v8a
manufacturer: Xiaomi
board: msm8952, name: kenzo
brand: Xiaomi, contoh: Redmi Note 3
build id: MMB29M, version: 6.0.1 Marshmallow (MMB29M) (MIUI8)
build description: kenzo-user 6.0.1 MMB29M V8.5.7.0.mhomIED release-keys
Reset Xiaomi(MI Account) Lock... Done.
Reset power ... Done.
- Take out simcard from the phone.
- Set up and login to the phone with your Mi Account(override).
- If the phone is still locked please do Reflash the phone with official& firmware(including persist).
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