LineageOS merupakan penerus dari Cyanogenmod yang sudah diperhentikan projectnya, ROM LineageOS sendiri memiliki komunitas yang cukup besar sehingga dukungan menyelesaikan masalah lebih cepat serta mendapatkan update rutin. Jika kamu ingin mecicipi custom rom LineageOS, pastinya HP kamu sudah harus terinstall TWP.

Cara Install ROM LineageOS 14.1 Redmi 5A (RIVA)
- Download file ROM LineageOS 14.1 Untuk Redmi 5A (RIVA).
- Selanjutnya masuk ke mode TWRP
- Turn off Xiaomi Redmi 5A, kemudian tekan tombol Volume UP + Power secara bersamaan dan lepaskan ketika muncul logo MI.
- Pilih Wipe lalu geser Swipe To Factory Reset
- Setelah itu, pilih Install dan cari file custom rom yang telah kamu download.
- Dan geser Swipe to confirm Flash, tunggu sampai installasi selesai
- Jika sudah silahkan di Reboot system.
- Tunggu beberapa menit sampai booting selesai dan masuk ke homescreen.
File Tambahan Flash Via TWRP
- Install file GAPPS jika kamu ingin menginstall Google Play Store
- Jika kamu ingin melakukan rooting pilih salah satu dari file root SuperSU dan Magisk.
Dengan menginstall custom rom LineageOS 14.1 Android 7.1.2 Nougat pada Xiaomi Redmi 5A (RIVA) tentunya akan memberikan pengalaman baru mulai dari user interface, fitur, dan lain sebagainya karena memang custom rom ini berbeda dengan ROM MIUI milik Xiaomi. Demikian artikel tentang download dan cara install ROM LineageOS 14.1 Nougat Stable Untuk Xiaomi Redmi 5A (RIVA), semoga bermanfaat.
[UNOFFICIAL] [RIVA] LINEAGE OS 14.1 For Redmi 5A, LineageOS 15.1 for Redmi 5A, [UNOFFICIAL][Nougat 7.1.2][OMS] Resurrection | Xiaomi Redmi 5A, [UNOFFICIAL][Nougat 7.1.2][OMS] Resurrection Remix-5.8.5 For, [ROM][OFFICIAL][7.1.2] crDroid v3.8.5 [VoLTE | Xiaomi Redmi 5A, [UNOFFICIAL][Nougat 7.1.2][OMS] Resurrection Remix-5.8.5 For, Guide To Install 7.1.2 AOKP Nougat ROM for Redmi 5A, How to Install Android 8.1 Oreo on Xiaomi Redmi 5A, How to Install LineAge OS 14.1 Android Nougat 7.1.1 on Xiaomi, Official crDroid ROM 3.8.5 for Redmi 5A - Xiaomi Firmware, Download the latest Rom build and GApps choose arm64 7.1 Reboot to UNOFFICIAL Lineage OS 14.1 ROM . ROM for the Xiaomi Redmi 5A ROM OS Version.7.x Nougat It is stable. further you can test yourself., This LineageOS 15.1 for Xiaomi Redmi 5A riva is brought to you by 5A riva LineageOS forum For other Android Oreo. Nougat ROMs. , Intro Resurrection Remix for Xiaomi Redmi 5ARiva Finally Wait is over! It is based on Nougat 7.1.2 r17 and nightlies of LineageOS 14.1 and , IntroResurrection Remix for Xiaomi Redmi 5ARivaFinally Wait is over!It is based on Nougat 7.1.2 r17 and nightlies of LineageOS 14.1 and Resurrection Remix Full wipe device Install Rom Install 7.1 Gapps recommended Open Gapps Nano Must be latest Install Current Stable Version.v3.0, this is crDroid for Xiaomi Redmi 5A Official V3.8.5 crDroid is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android LineageOS 14.1 all mods and features where working on getting more features but only if the rom stays stable ROM OS Version.7.x Nougat Another rom for riva users., Resurrection Remix for Xiaomi Redmi 5ARiva Finally Wait is over! It is based on Nougat 7.1.2 r17 and nightlies of LineageOS 14.1 and ROM RR N RIVA UNOFFICIALclean flash recommended Status.Stable, you can call this as a stable custom ROM for Redmi 5A RIVA Unofficial Android 7.1 Nougat Lineage OS 14.1 For Huawei Y6 Download Micromax Bharat For Unbrick And Update Install Official Nougat CyanogenMod 14.1 For OnePlus 3 , Xiaomi Redmi 5A riva launched in namabulanember 2018 The smartphone came out of the box with Android 7.1.2 Nougat Are you looking to install the stable version of Android 8.1 Oreo on Xiaomi Redmi 5A riva? then you are at the How to Install Lineage OS 15.1 for Xiaomi Redmi 5A Android 8.1 Oreo , You can tried to install Custom ROM LineAge OS If you are looking to download Android Nougat ROM for Xiaomi Redmi 3 then you are at , Download Official crDroid ROM for Xiaomi Redmi 5A Riva kernel. make sure you choose one compatible with LineageOS All LingeageOS 14.1 mods and features are included Status bar customizations crDroid developers are focused on getting more features but only if the ROM stays stable.
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